Just wanted to throw a little update out because I've developed new allergies since I started this blog. So here is a list of foods that are off the list for me...
Meat (including seafood!)
All grains (not just wheat, barley and rye...corn, rice, millet, teff, sorghum, etc too!)
Garlic (I know!)
Onions :-(
Beans/legumes (no more hummus!)
Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans
Sweet Peppers
Maple syrup
Artificial sweeteners (including the ones that are 1/2 real sugar!)
I may have missed something as there are sooooo many! I know the first thing your probably thinking is how do you get enough protein, right? Typically we are taught that protein comes from animals (meat, dairy, eggs), soy, wheat/grains, and beans/legumes. Cross them all off the list, and where's the protein? Well darlings, protein is in everything! That spinach salad you had for lunch with avocado dressing had a few grams of protein! ;) I add hemp seeds to my smoothies. Hemp is a wonderful food with all the omegas and it's so versatile! Sprinkle on salads, add to smoothies, use in place of cheese...the ideas are endless and the health benefits are great!
Then there are quinoa and amaranth, which are often sold as whole grains, but they are really seeds! They are also packed with lots of protein! And so versatile! Try replacing rice with quinoa in recipes for a more filling and healthier meal! You can stuff veggies like squash or tomatoes with quinoa or amaranth. You can even make bread sticks/pretzels (recipe coming soon) with amaranth! Yes, finally something to satisfy that bread craving! ;-)
So the answer is I get more than enough protein! ;-)
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